Forgiveness “Freedom”


This flower essence blend is to be able to forgive from the heart and allow ourselves the growth to move forward with the light on and have a greater vision with the direction we want to go in.

Express : Joy of Forgiveness, Rise above the Self

Dissolve : Anger, Negativity, Hurt, Resentful, Reactionary, Hardening

Use : 6 drops, 3 times a day under tongue or in water bottle drink through out the day until finished.

Flower Beauty:

Black Kangaroo Paw : To forgive and love, keep greater vision, bring light freeing from the shadow

Pixie Mop : To take full responsibility of ones self, strengthen the heart, walk in the light of our spiritual self, love

Purified water(Aqua) Brandy,(Alcohol) Macropidea Fuliginosa,(Black Kangaroo Paw) Pertrophile Linearis,(Pixie Mop)
If you would prefer apple cider vinegar instead of alcohol please request.


This flower essence blend is to be able to forgive from the heart and allow ourselves the growth to move forward with the light on and have a greater vision with the direction we want to go in.

Express : Joy of Forgiveness, Rise above the Self

Dissolve : Anger, Negativity, Hurt, Resentful, Reactionary, Hardening


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